Saturday, May 3, 2008

10K Bull Canyon Run 2008 - Santa Maria, CA

I spent the morning doing Santa Maria's Bull Canyon Run. Although, I initially meant for it to be a fun run, I got a rush of adrenaline at the start. I've been training for an upcoming marathon recently (more distance than pace). Anything below a 6:30 minute mile pace would have been unsustainable past the 3 Mile point so I had to slow down.

The course had several hills but none bigger than one found at the halfway mark (see attached Garmin training results Mile marker 2.75-3.00) . Needless to say, Mile 3 was my slowest pace, but I still managed to finish Lap 3 at 7:50. I sped up going down the hill, taking shorter strides to slow down and prevent injury. At that point I was passed by Bib#268 (a guy that looked to be in his mid to late 30's. The overall 10K Winner was some young 19-yr-old kid from Fresno State University who finished in a ridiculous 35-36 minutes. My finish time for the 6.17 Mile run was 43:44. Overall, my goal going into the race was to average 7:15 minute miles or better, and I finished at an average of 7:05 (mission accomplished). As an added surprise, I ended up placing 2nd in my Age Group and walked away with the Silver medal. The 1st Place winner in my 35-39 Age Group walking away with the Gold? None other than Mr. Bib#268.