Friday, June 11, 2004

Ronald Reagan Memorialized (June 2004)

Former President Ronald Reagan died on June 5, 2004 at his home in Los Angeles. He was 93. Six days later on June 11th, I led members of the High Frontier Honor Guard in a detail memorializing our 40th President.

In front of HQ 21 SW, Peterson AFB, CO.

From left to right"

Chief McCloskey, A1C Soto, A1C Nelly, A1C Cotton, SSgt Vera, Myself

Thursday, January 1, 2004

4 SOPS Crew of the Year 2003

I came across this picture recently. Due to our significant accomplishments at DOOM during the 2003 calendar year, we were able to secure "Crew of the Year" honors. My comrades are listed below.

From left to right:

Jim Davis, Adolfo Montero, Rick Kreit, Clifton Ames, Myself, Scott McKenzie, Chris Ryder, Chris Bendig, Kenneth "Rolo" Lancaster