Saturday, February 23, 2008

Vail 2008

For powder lovers, there's truly nothing as awesome as Vail's world-renowned bowls especially after they get pounded by a winter storm. We started at Vail Village lift and made our way to Mountain Express. The elevation is well over 11K feet. After making the necessary adjustments to our ski equipment (boots, skis and goggles), we were ready to hit the slopes. We took a short trail that led us to our first bowl of the day, Sun Up. It was a magical thing, and I giggled like a toddler on Christmas day. As we readied ourselves for China Bowl, the snow stopped. The sun began to shine. It was too unreal, euphoric! I can't imagine a place on earth that could more resemble heaven than the whiteness of Vail Mountain.
We skied for a couple of hours, and after a short pause for an early lunch at Two Elk Lodge we continued with Sun Down and Siberia Bowls. The day was near an end when it again began to snow, heavily. It was almost as if mountains were calling upon us, preparing themselves, asking us to return the next day. We did.

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