Saturday, September 22, 2007

Grayson Oxford visit McAllen, TX

As part of my McAllen visit, today I managed to spend time with Grayson Oxford. I had a great time visiting with him and his new wife Terry. We ate at their favorite Mexican restaurant; I fail to recall the name, but it's on 11th Street I think and apparently owned by one of his friends. I have fond memories of Grayson and myself playing tennis against each other. We also played doubles together. It was a riot.

To my dismay, Grayson hasn't played tennis in years and wasn't up to the challenge of hitting the courts. We did however manage to talk some Dallas Cowboys football. I also got some insight on Grayson's wedding proposal to Terry. Apparently, it was at half-time during a football game that Grayson got on his knees and proposed to Terry. The romantic act symbolized his fanatacism with football. Even knowing how crazy we Texans can be about the Cowboys, Terry Reyna ethusiastically accepted Grayson's marriage proposal. I'm happy to report that despite briefly getting to know Terry (in my flawless judgment), she seems a perfect match for Grayson. I foresee a stork visit in the future.

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