Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Steve Geida

I decided to take advantage of an opportunity to visit Steve Geida on my most recent trip to Colorado Springs. I spent a few hours tonight with the Geidas chatting about life in general, investments, and life after the Air Force. I enjoyed a cold Sierra Nevada Pale Ale (Steve's last, unfortunately) while his kids devoured some fudge squares.

To my dismay, Steve has decided to pack his bags, leave the Air Force, and move his family to either Illinois or somewhere back East. I don't know exactly where he'll end up, but I wish him the best of luck. By the way, Steve was one of my suite mates at Officer Training School, and we spent 12 weeks in Alabama living in deplorable asbestos-plagued, practically condemned, 1950's-built hovels. We both ended up in the Space & Missile Career fields. I went space; he went missiles. His follow-on assignment led him through space training at Vandenberg AFB. The above photo was taken upon completion of Steve's training.

Steve, I'll miss you buddy!!!

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