Friday, April 18, 2008

Grayson's first 5K Run

I participated in a 5K-Run fundraiser today. It was a pleasant surprise to see Alicia and the boys show up to support both me and the event. Minutes before the start, Grayson volunteered to join me. Although I wasn't initially enthusiastic about his proposition, it's hard to say no to Grayson when he gives you his supplicating droopy eyes. I succumbed to his charm and we ran together.

There were mothers pushing strollers and older boys running with their families. Grayson was overwhelmed with joy. Unfortunately, joy isn't enough to carry a 5-yr old boy on an endurance run. We stopped to catch our breath at .92 miles. A quarter of a mile later, Grayson was in need of another break. I carried Grayson on my shoulders for the next half mile and afforded him some needed rest. We started to run again and stopped after .3 miles. We ended up walking the next half mile at which point Grayson called it quits. I finished the rest of the 5K run with him on my shoulders.

Our results, 37 min 49 sec!!!

It was an extremely memorable event; one that I'll cherish for many years. After the race Grayson exclaimed, "That was fun Daddy. Let's do it again!" I slouched in exhaustion and told him that I would first have to recover.

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