Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Disgusting filth!

There aren't many news stories that move me. I dare say that the violence in Iraq has somewhat desensitized me over the years. I'm posting in response to an article in today (read full article).

A five-year-old Iraqi boy, Youssif, was playing outside when several masked men doused him with gasoline and set him on fire. As a human being, I am aghast. As a parent of a five-year-old boy, I am angry. What kind of animals would commit such a horrific act upon another human being, especially a child? Although grim stories continue to surface from Darfur, it is difficult for me to fathom a more barbaric crime against the innocence of a child. What do such acts say about a mob's cultural beliefs; such disrespect for humankind? I am angry! I am angry! I am angry! What are we dealing with in Iraq? Such culprits are not worthy of life. Calling them savages is too generous. I am ravenous...My rage benefits no one. Instead, help me focus on what we can do to help little Youssif. has posted a link to a charitable organization that will accept donations in Youssif's behalf. I ask that you please open your hearts and consider assisting this precious boy with whatever monetary gift you can provide. I pray that a smile can someday return to Youssif's face. For the love of life, for the love of a scarred child, please open your hearts...

You can make a donation at the foundation's site by clicking here. There's a drop down menu under the "general donation" area that is marked "Youssif's fund."

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